The Bolsena lake is the fifth largest in Italy and the largest in Europe among those of volcanic origin. The city of Bolsena is instead known as the city of miracles and the home of Corpus Domini. The history, traditions and art of Bolsena are linked to the events of Santa Cristina, daughter of the prefect of the city at the time of Emperor Diocletian, who very young had embraced the Christian faith against the will of his father, who ordered for this put it to death. The body of the Saint ended up in 1078 in the Christian catacombs underneath the temple which later became the collegiate church of Santa Cristina, a Romanesque church of the eleventh century, with a superb 13th-century bell tower that stands out on three floors of mullioned windows. Inextricably linked to the burial place of Santa Cristina is the miracle of Corpus Domini, which took place in 1263, when a Bohemian priest, Pietro da Praga, celebrated Mass, and was seized by doubt on transubstantiation (the actual transformation into flesh and blood of the wine and the consecrated host). It was at that moment that the host the priest held in his hand began to bleed, bathing the corporal and staining the marble of the floor. The corporal marked by the miracle was carried in procession to Orvieto, where Pope Urban IV lived, on 11 August 1264, promulgated the Bull that instituted the feast of Corpus Domini, immortalized in the unsurpassable fresco of Raphael in the Vatican rooms. Do not miss the solemn procession that is renewed every year in Bolsena, for the feast of Corpus Domini, along the streets of the village over a carpet of artistic flourishes along three kilometers. Also on July 23rd and 24th, the patronal feast is celebrated with the setting up of the Mysteries of Santa Cristina. On the main squares of the historic center are raised boxes on which are set up living paintings, scenic representations entrusted to the Bolsena citizens who, dressed in Roman costumes, mute and statuesque, recall the mysteries, that is the moments of the martyrs who were subjected to the young Saint.