Bomarzo is a small well-kept medieval village, located about 20 km from viterbo, in the extreme north of the Cimini Mountains.
It is located on a tufaceous rock, from which the whole valley of the Tiber is dominated. Some archaeological finds attest that Bomarzo was inhabited since prehistoric times, while during the Etruscan period it was probably the important center of Meonia, as evidenced by numerous tombs found in the surrounding area. Bomarzo is famous for the Monster Park, located in the valley below the village, which houses numerous fanciful and grotesque sculptures, next to a small octagonal shaped temple built by Vicino Orsini in memory of his wife.
The enormous structures, unusual for the Italian culture of the ‘500, are many and very different from each other.
The most striking are: the “Mascherone”, with a monstrous appearance and a huge gaping mouth, in which a room has been created; the “Elephant in battle”, with a strong reference to oriental art; the “Dragon fighting with the veltri”; the “Giant” in the act of tearing a woman and the “sloping cottage”.
Within the Park, refreshment areas and areas specifically dedicated to children’s play have been created.